Adding an object

Guide to adding an object with the API


This guide assumes you are authenticated and have a valid token.

The simplified steps you need to take are:

  1. Add a company with the mutation addCompany.
  2. Fetch categories to find out the id of the category the object should be placed in, with the query categoryGroups.
  3. Add an object with the mutation addObject.
  4. When the object is sold, call the mutation deleteObject.

The examples in this guide do not take error handling into account.

Adding a company

If you act as an intermediary for multiple companies that want to push equipment, you need to call the mutation addCompany for each company. If you only manage your own company, you should just call it once.

The mutation addCompany expects information about the company and its location. The mutation should look something like this:

mutation AddCompany {
        input: {
            chamberOfCommerceNumber: "63204258"
            name: "Beequip"
            street: "Willemskade"
            houseNumber: "18"
            postalCode: "3016 DL"
            city: "Rotterdam"
            telephoneNumber: "010 340 0844"
            website: ""
            emailAddress: ""
    ) {
        ... on AddCompanySuccess {
            company {

When this example mutation is executed, it wil return the id and url of the newly created company.

Since GraphQL gives you control of what data you request, you can select more fields of the company to be returned.

We will be notified if you add a new company, and will review if we want them on our marketplace.

Fetching categories

When adding an object, we need an id of the category the object belongs to. You can fetch a list of categories we use:

query Categories {
    categoryGroups {
        categories {

The result is a list of categories, for example:

    "data": {
        "categoryGroups": [
                "id": "1",
                "name": "Agrarisch",
                "categories": [
                        "id": "1",
                        "name": "Agrarisch transport"
                "id": "9",
                "name": "Kranen",
                "categories": [
                        "id": "19",
                        "name": "Mobiele telescoopkraan"

You can use these id’s to make an internal mapping of your categories to our categories.

Adding an object

To publish a piece of equipment on our marketplace, call the mutation addObject. An example:

mutation AddObject {
        input: {
            companyId: 1
            brand: "DAF"
            type: "XF 480"
            categoryId: 9
            purchasePrice: { publicPurchasePrice: 40000 }
            used: true
            yearOfConstruction: 2022
    ) {
        ... on AddObjectSuccess {
            object {

addObject accepts loads more properties than this example shows. The more properties you send, the better the conversion rate on our marketplace. Use your GraphQL tool to find the input type AddObjectInput and see what data you can send.

Deleting an object

When an object is sold or no longer in the company’s inventory, you need to call deleteObject. This will soft-delete the object: the URL will still be accessible, but the object will no longer appear in searches and overviews on our marketplace.

mutation DeleteObject {
    deleteObject(input: { id: 1 }) {
        ... on DeleteObjectSuccess {
            company {

Further reading